Thursday, August 20, 2015


Hello and welcome to my blog!

My name is Zen and I am a blogger in Connecticut. I love to knit and you can read more about it at Endless Knitting. I live near the shore with my husband, "J" who is also a maker. We love our cozy apartment which is just the right size for the two of us. I recently have begun to take a minimalist challenge. In this blog, you will see the journey I try to go through the process of purging, cleaning and organizing a crafter's small apartment. This can be quite the challenge to take on as crafters can be quite the collectors! 

Let's begin by defining a minimalist. A minimalist is a person who likes to keep things simple. This can be quite different to many people and is a unique answer for each person. It is best to begin the attempt to achieving this through gradual self improvement. For us, we already have practically everything we might need so it is a matter of prioritizing what you want in your life. Sometimes we need to make room in order to allow more into our lives. Please know that we are not minimalists, nor are we perfect at what we begin to try and accomplish.

Thank you again for reading and feel free to join us in our journey!